Why We’re Unionizing

We believe that our strength lies in our unity. As employees dedicated to the mission of empowering and supporting teen parents, student parents, and families, we recognize that we can best serve our community when we work together to create a workplace that embodies the values of equity, transparency, and inclusivity. That's why we have made the decision to unionize – to ensure that every voice is heard, every concern is addressed, and every employee has the support they need to thrive both personally and professionally.

Our decision to unionize is rooted in a deep commitment to the mission and values of Generation Hope. For years, employees have raised concerns about issues such as inconsistent policy application, lack of transparency in decision-making, and inadequate support for staff well-being. Despite our best efforts to address these concerns through existing feedback mechanisms, we have seen limited progress and have continued to face challenges that impact our ability to effectively serve our community.

We believe that forming a union is the best way to ensure that our voices are truly heard and that our needs are met. By coming together and engaging in collective bargaining, we can advocate for policies and practices that promote fairness, equity, and transparency in the workplace. We can ensure that all employees, regardless of their position or background, have access to the resources and support they need to succeed.

Mission Statement:

Generation Hope’s workforce is made up of individuals from many different backgrounds, but we all join the organization because of a deep commitment to its mission. We are passionate about supporting student parents and pursuing a two-generational approach to helping young parents build wealth and create a better future for their children.

Mission Statement: Generation Hope’s workforce is made up of individuals from many different backgrounds, but we all join the organization because of a deep commitment to its mission. We are passionate about supporting student parents and pursuing a two-generational approach to helping young parents build wealth and create a better future for their children.

What are we fighting for?

A sample of what we are fighting for:

  • Company-wide policies that are applied consistently and fairly, with clear enforcement mechanisms and input from employees at all levels, rather than being left to the discretion of individual directors or leaders

  • Health insurance that is truly accessible, affordable, and meets the needs of diverse families and chosen families, taking into account not just premium costs but also overall expenses like deductibles and co-pays

  • Hybrid work policies and travel policies that protect work-life balance, set clear boundaries, are consistent across departments, and ensure that employees have a say in when and how they are required to work in the office or travel for work

  • Fair compensation for staff whose specific skills and lived experiences, such as Spanish language proficiency, are essential to their job duties, in compliance with legal requirements

  • PTO payout upon separation, as mandated by DC law, to ensure that earned time off is properly compensated

  • A fair and transparent process for performance management, including clear targets and due process for discipline and termination decisions

  • A formal process for reporting, investigating, and addressing discrimination and harassment in the workplace, ensuring that all employees are treated with respect and dignity, and that any incidents of discrimination are promptly and effectively resolved, with mechanisms in place to ensure the process is followed 

What else? We want to know from current staff. Let us know.

  • I support our union efforts because I want us to truly live out our race equity values and truly provide student parents an opportunity to build wealth.

    Yoslin Amaya Hernandez

  • Showing solidarity with my incredibly colleagues and supporting unionization efforts is simply the right thing to do.

    Marlee Breakstone

  • I support unionization because I support Generation Hope. The stronger we are, the greater work we can do.

    Sidney Walker

  • I believe that in all work settings, a union can be key to ensuring vital values such as equity, transparency, and security, which will continue to become even more necessary with Generation Hope’s expansion.

    Henry Soto Sariemento

  • I support the union because it represents the desire of lower-level employees to have a seat at the table when making organization-wide policy.

    Maddie Hren

  • I support Hope United because I know our staff does incredible work and they deserve to be heard, seen, and celebrated! Doing career services work, I always emphasize to our scholars the importance of finding affirming workplaces that center wellbeing. Investing in your staff is investing in your mission, and I want us to continue to be able to help scholars thrive!

    Sanah Jivani

  • I support unions because they lift up some of the most marginalized and vulnerable workers. Quite simply - unionization aligns with GH's stated values.

    Marus Ware

  • I support unionization because unions are essential to building a society grounded in justice and shared prosperity. Advocating for what is right and just is necessary, especially when it is difficult. To speak out with conviction in solidarity with others is an act of profound care - for ourselves, for each other, and for the kind of world we can only create together.

    Catherine Johnson